CS 201: Evolving Threats: Perspectives from Symantec Research Labs, CHRISTOPHER GATES, Symantec Research Labs

Speaker: Christopher Gates
Affiliation: Symantec Research Labs


ABSTRACT: Symantec is an industry leader in malware detection and prevention. Ninety-nine percent of Fortune 500 companies are our customers, and our consumer products are deployed around the globe. This broad user base also gives us a unique perspective and capability to achieve our primary objective, protecting our customers. In this talk, I will discuss some of the telemetry we collect, how we have leveraged that information to protect our customers in a highly adversarial setting, and how we have adapted over time to continue to protect our customers effectively. I will end with a discussion of the next wave of technologies that we are working on in Symantec Research Labs.  BIO: Dr. Gates received a PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University and was affiliated with CERIAS, a cross-departmental program focused on an interdisciplinary approach to cyber security. He has applied his background in system security and machine learning in a variety of ways in Symantec Research Labs. The talk will in part discuss one of his recent projects that has allowed Symantec to increase the speed of our detections and also detect more malware, nearly doubling the number of detections among the most difficult files to classify. His current focus is on scalable approaches for advanced analytics so Symantec can achieve its primary mission, to keep you safe from cyber threats.

Hosted by Professor Tyson Condie

REFRESHMENTS at 3:45 pm, SPEAKER at 4:15 pm

Date(s) - May 26, 2016
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm

3400 Boelter Hall
420 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles California 90095