Faculty members discuss impact of AI on academic research

More than 150 UCLA faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students attended or tuned in to the livestream of Research in the Age of AI Symposium, which was held Feb. 15 at the...

Professor Judea Pearl: Solving Big Data’s ‘Fusion’ Problem

An article published in July’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences features the research of Distinguished Professor Judea Pearl and his former graduate student, Elias Bareinboim (now an assistant professor of computer science at Purdue).  Barenboim and...

Former CS Grad Student – Divya Gupta: Dimitris N. Chorafas Award

Former CSD graduate student, Divya Gupta (Ph.D. 2016; advisor Amit Sahai), has received the 2016 Dimitris N. Chorafas Award for innovative research based on her thesis work.  That work addressed the problem of hosting services on untrusted clouds by leveraging recent...

Professor Leonard Kleinrock: Test of Time Award

A paper authored by Leonard Kleinrock and Fouad Tobagi—Packet switching in radio channels: Part I—Carrier sense multiple-access modes and their throughput-delay characteristics (1975 IEEE Transactions on Communications 23.12—has been awarded the inaugural SIGMOBILE...

Best Student Paper Award at KR 2016

Open-World Probabilistic Databases, authored by Ismail Ilkan Ceylon (a visiting student at UCLA in fall 2015) and coauthored by professors Adnan Darwiche and Guy Van den Broeck has received the 2016 Marco Cadoli Student Paper Prize for best paper at the 15th...

Center for SMART Health

The UCLA Center for Systematic, Measurable, Actionable, Resilient and Technology-driven Health (aka Center for SMART Health) has been formed to foster collaboration among engineers, computer scientists, clinicians, biomedical researchers, and information...

Computer Science Undergraduate Named Goldwater Scholar

Iris Cong, a junior-year computer science student in HSSEAS, was recently named a 2016 Goldwater Scholar by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation (Goldwater was a former five-term U. S. Senator from Arizona). This award is presented to...