Faculty members discuss impact of AI on academic research

More than 150 UCLA faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students attended or tuned in to the livestream of Research in the Age of AI Symposium, which was held Feb. 15 at the...


The HSSEAS website (http://www.engineering.ucla.edu) has highlighted the recent award of a $6.1M grant from NIH entitled Center for Biomedical Real-Time Health Evaluation for Pediatric Asthma (BREATHE), and features a photo of CSD Professor Majid Sarrafzadeh. The...

Raghu Meka: NSF Career Award

Professor Raghu Meka is the recent recipient of an NSF CAREER award for his research entitled “The Power and Limitations of Randomness.” The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) awards are designed to support the early career-development activites of those...

Leonard Kleinrock: UCLA Engineering Lifetime Achievement Award

Leonard Kleinrock is this year's recipient of the UCLA Engineering Lifetime Achievement Award.  This award will be presented in February 2016 at the UCLA Engineering Awards Dinner.  Recipients are selected based on their significant contributions to UCLA and the field...

Mario Gerla: Appointed to HSSEAS Jonathan B. Postel Chair

Mario Gerla, who has been a Department faculty member for nearly 40 years, and is the current Department chair, has been honored with an appointment to the HSSEAS Jonathan B. Postel Chair in Networking, retroactive to 7/1/2015. This is a special honor because Mario...

Miryung Kim receives an Okawa Research Grant

Professor Miryung Kim is the recipient of an Okawa Research Grant to support her work titled “Toward Interactive Debugging of Big Data Analytics.” Okawa grants are awarded each year to support research in the fields of information and telecommunications in Japan, the...

Ameet Talwalkar: Recent Awards

Professor Ameet Talwalkar is the recipient of a 2015 Google Faculty Research Award. The aim of these awards is to identify and support world-class, full-time faculty at top universities who are pursuing research in areas of mutual interest. Ameet also recently...

Professor Amit Sahai: DARPA Grant Recipient

Professor Amit Sahai has been awarded a $2.8 million 4-year grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).  The grant will support Sahai's work to develop the foundations for encrypted software that is capable of keeping its source code a secret...

Judea Pearl: NSF Grant Award

Professor Judea Pearl and graduate student Karthika Mohan have received a three-year NSF grant for “Inference with Incomplete Data.” Karthika was highly instrumental in preparing and defending the winning proposal. Congratulations to both Judea and Karthika! Grant...