Professor Sahai Wins STOC Test of Time Award

Professor Sahai's paper with his former Ph.D. student Brent Watershas been selected as one of the 10-year Test of Time Awards and will be presented at this year's STOC in Vancouver. The citation for...
PhD Student Pan Lu Wins 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

PhD Student Pan Lu Wins 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

Pan Lu, a PhD student in the Computer Science department at UCLA, has been awarded the 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF), along with his team member Jiacheng (Gary) Liu, a PhD student in the School of Computer Science & Engineering at UW. The winning teams...

Professor Amit Sahai Wins Test of Time Award at FOCS

Professor Amit Sahai Wins Test of Time Award at FOCS

Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2023, one of the top conferences in theoretical computer science along with the Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), has selected Professor Amit Sahai’s work on indistinguishability obfuscation to receive a Test of Time...

UCLA Student Harold Li won 2023 Google Ph.D. Fellowship

UCLA Student Harold Li won 2023 Google Ph.D. Fellowship

UCLA Ph.D. student Harold Li in the Computer Science department received the 2023 Google Ph.D. Fellowship for his work in Natural Language Processing. The Google Ph.D. Fellowship program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and...

Professor Nanyun (Violet) Peng Wins 2023 Okawa Research Grant

Professor Nanyun (Violet) Peng Wins 2023 Okawa Research Grant

Congratulations to assistant professor Nanyun (Violet) Peng who just received the 2023 Okawa Research Grant. Professor Peng is among the seven recipients from UC Berkeley, Stanford, UC Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Caltech, and Carnegie Mellon. The...

Bringing High-speed mmWave Networks to Any IoT Device

Bringing High-speed mmWave Networks to Any IoT Device

In recent research, Assistant Professor Omid Abari at UCLA has achieved remarkable advancements in advancing high-speed networking capabilities for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. His research encompasses the entire spectrum of IoT networks and systems, from the...

Bolei Zhou wins Intel’s 2023 Rising Star Faculty Award

Bolei Zhou wins Intel’s 2023 Rising Star Faculty Award

In a remarkable achievement, Assistant Professor Bolei Zhou has been honored with the prestigious Intel® Rising Star Faculty Award (RSA) for 2023. Zhou's ground-breaking work in the realm of computer vision and machine autonomy has earned him this recognition, making...