CS 201 – Jon Postel Distinguished Lecture: Data, Inference, and Decisions in Support of People and Society, ERIC HORVITZ, Microsoft Research – Redmond Lab

Speaker: Eric Horvitz
Affiliation: Microsoft Research - Redmond Lab


ABSTRACT: I will share directions and results enabled by the confluence of large-scale data resources, jumps in computational power, and advances in machine intelligence. I will focus on efforts that leverage learning and inference to help people with decisions, touching on work in transportation, medicine, human-machine collaboration.  I will present projects that center on using traditional sources of data, such as GPS data and electronic health records, and efforts that harness more exotic streams of information, including the use of planes in flight as a large-scale sensor network. I will conclude by discussing the promise of leveraging data, learning, and reasoning to enable new kinds of collaboration between people and machines to address challenges in science, society, and daily life. BIO:
 Eric Horvitz is a technical fellow at Microsoft and director of the Microsoft Research lab at Redmond.  He has pursued principles and applications of artificial intelligence, with contributions in decisions under uncertainty, machine learning, bounded rationality, information retrieval and human computation.  His research and collaborations have led to fielded systems in healthcare, transportation, human-computer interaction, online services, robotics, operating systems, and aerospace.  He was awarded the Feigenbaum Prize for contributions to the field of artificial intelligence.  He has been elected fellow of the AAAI, ACM, AAAS, and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and he has been inducted into the CHI Academy. He was president of the AAAI and chair of the AAAS Section on Information, Computing, and Communications, and has served on DARPA’s Information and Technology Study Group (ISAT), the Naval Research Advisory Committee (NRAC), the NSF CISE Advisory Committee, and the Computing Community Consortium (CCC). More information can be found at http://research.microsoft.com/~horvitz.

Hosted by Professor Adnan Darwiche

REFRESHMENTS at 3:45 pm, SPEAKER at 4:15 pm


Date(s) - May 17, 2016
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm

3400 Boelter Hall
420 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles California 90095